Meeting the Colorful Citizens of Black Spire Outpost

Publish date: 2024-07-21
The sun beat down on Black Spire Outpost. My family and I were visiting the planet of Batuu at the edge of the Outer Rim Territories. We weren’t alone. Travelers from all over the galaxy had found their way to the crime infested settlement. They moved like massive herds of banthas through the market. Lines of tourists waited for their chance to have a drink in Oga’s cantina, escaping the heat with a Bespin Fizz while listening to R-3X (known to most as Rex) spin records. First Order Stormtroopers patrolled the streets, interrogating the occasional tourist to suss out Resistance sympathizers. All in all, it was a normal day at the Galaxy’s Edge.

Our younglings needed a bit of refreshment, so we paid a visit to the Milk Stand for a glass of blue milk and green milk. The stand sits directly across from First Order Cargo, and just before getting in line, a group of Stormtroopers confronted us. Fortunately, Kylo Ren was nowhere to be seen. They let our son know in no uncertain terms that they would be keeping an eye on him. Fortunately, he’d covered up the pin that indicated that he’d trained at the Jedi Temple earlier in the day. Otherwise things could have gone sideways quickly. We weren’t prepared to fight an entire cadre of Stormtroopers, and we had no idea how many members of the Resistance might be around. We’d seen Chewbacca working on his X-Wing earlier, but that was a pretty good ways from the Milk Stand. There was no way he’d make it to us in time.

After ordering our blue and green milk, we found a spot to enjoy our drinks. They were delicious, As you probably know, blue milk is the milk of banthas, and it tastes like dragon fruit, coconut and pineapple. The green milk comes from female thela-sirens, and it’s closest equivalent in human terms would be mandarin orange blossom. As we drank, a woman came walking briskly around the corner. We immediately recognized her. It was Rey, with her quarterstaff across her back. She was moving quickly, but she promptly stopped when she saw our daughter. Crouching down to her level, she placed a hand on her shoulder.

“You’d make an excellent spy for the Resistance,” she said.

Then, just as quickly, she was gone.

We didn’t have much time to dwell on the statement. We had business to attend to at Ohnaka’s Transport Solutions. It was impossible to miss, it sat just behind the must beautiful bucket of bolts in the universe: the Millenium Falcon. On our way inside, we spotted Rey again. She was performing some maintenance on the Falcon. Inside, we met with the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, who asked us to help him with some of his very “legitimate” business. I was selected to fly the Falcon, my wife served as an engineer, and the kids were gunners. Unfortunately, I was not an ideal pilot. At the end of our mission, Ohnaka fired us all and told us to get out. It…it wasn’t good.

Disconsolate, we wandered to Dok-Ondar’s Den of Antiquities. The Ithorian sat in the shop behind a desk. He was busy at work and didn’t have time to chat, so we looked around at the various oddities in his shop. Most notable were the Holocrons, data devices that held the recorded wisdom of the Jedi Masters. We left with a holocron and several kyber crystals, each of which contained the voice of a different Jedi.

Stepping out of Dok-Ondar’s, we almost walked directly into a woman talking to another group of travelers. She wore an orange jacket, and had blue highlights in her hair. It was Vi Moradi, the legendary Resistance spy. She looked around furtively and asked us all if we had seen any members of the First Order. After we assured her that the coast was clear, she set off, peering around the corner before darting down a flight of stairs and disappearing into the crowds.

After she left, we caught a look at our watches. Sadly, our time on this vibrant planet was drawing to a close. We had to engage our hypderdrive to make it across the galaxy to the far off kingdom of Arendelle. We were scheduled to be at a sing-along.

With a final look at the towering spires, we set off, carrying with us the memory of the various friends and enemies we’d encountered during our stay.

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