Jenna Raine Describes Her New EP Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1 as Reminiscent, Reflective and C

Publish date: 2024-07-05

Jenna Raine‘s brand new EP is truly a must-listen!

As of today (May 5th), Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1 is available to stream on all platforms, and you need to check it out for yourself as its sure to make you feel ALL of the feelings.

In an exclusive interview with Celeb Secrets, the 19-year-old shared with us TONS of behind-the-scenes scoop surrounding her brand new project, giving us a glimpse into exactly what was going through her head throughout its creation.

“The EP is kind of going back into high school,” Jenna dished to us. “It’s a reflection of my past and what I went through when I was 15-16 years old.”

“This EP is meant to capture the loneliness I felt, while also feeling the loneliness of the people around me. It’s me wanting to retell that story and bring it back to the light, because I know that there are people in a similar place that could use this EP,” she continued passionately.

If listeners were to take away one thing from her phenomenal 5-track project, Jenna “want[s] them to realize that there are so many people in the world that feel alone, and you’re not alone in your loneliness.”

“I want them to know that there’s a space for people to be able to discuss what they’re feeling and stop hiding it from others,” she concluded.

Before listening to Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1 on all music streaming platforms, be sure to read our full Q&A with Jenna Raine below. Afterwards, let us know what you think of the budding songstress by either leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post, or by sending us a tweet at @celebsecrets.

You can learn more about the rising star and stay updated on any upcoming releases and/or shows by connecting with her on Instagram @itsjennaraine and TikTok @itsjennaraine.

Celeb Secrets: Your new EP titled Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1 came out TODAY (May 5th) – How does it feel knowing that you have more original music in the world?

Jenna Raine: “I am so beyond excited. This project has been a long time coming — a lot of the songs have been in the works for two years. This EP is very, very dear to my heart, and I’m excited for the world to finally hear it!”

CS: Can you tell us a little bit about the meaning/story behind this EP?

JR: “The EP is kind of going back into high school. It’s a reflection of my past and what I went through when I was 15-16 years old. This EP is meant to capture the loneliness I felt, while also feeling the loneliness of the people around me. It’s me wanting to retell that story and bring it back to the light, because I know that there are people in a similar place that could use this EP.”

CS: Who/what are some of your inspirations when creating your music in general?

JR: “A lot of my inspiration comes from my friends and the people around me. Whatever they’re going through definitely heavily affects what I’m thinking about and what inspires me. Then, artist-wise, I would say the people that have inspired me the most are Ed Sheeran, Noah Kahan and Tori Kelly. I love how easily they tell their story with such a heartfelt perspective. They never say anything out of hatred, which I really love.”

CS: How did you decide which tracks were going to make it onto the EP? Did it come naturally or did you have a tough selection process?

JR: “I would say it came pretty naturally. I definitely leaned on other people’s opinions though, and we selected the songs that we thought concluded my experience in the best way.”

CS: What is your favorite song on the EP and why?

JR: “I would probably say my favorite song is ‘Fade Away.’ I’ve been waiting to release that song for over two years, so it’s very special to me that the world is finally getting to hear it. It’s a song that I think captures a feeling that anyone can relate to at any moment in their life, which I love so much. It’s very general, and speaks to a very broad audience.”

CS: Can you tell us a little bit about the meaning/story behind this track?

JR: “This song is meant to comfort those that feel alone and are in a season where they’re holding on to somebody that they no longer have in their life. It’s about the ghost of that person kind of haunting you while you’re still defending them. You still love them, and it’s because you love the version of them that no longer exists.”

CS: Is there a certain lyric within this song that you are especially proud of?

JR: “Funny enough, I think my favorite lyric is ‘I tried to defend you, but all of my friends just shut me up.’ When I was defending the guy that I liked, my friends would bring me back to reality and what was actually happening. That’s what friends are for!”

If you could describe this EP in three words, what would they be?

JR: “Reminiscent, reflective and comforting.”

CS: If listeners can take away one core message from this EP, what would you want it to be?

JR: “I want them to realize that there are so many people in the world that feel alone, and you’re not alone in your loneliness. I want them to know that there’s a space for people to be able to discuss what they’re feeling and stop hiding it from others.”

CS: What did the creative process look like creating Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1 in particular? Were there any quirks to your method?

JR: “I wrote the songs within a span of two years, so we really got to do a deep dive and figure out which songs we wanted to represent this part of my life. There wasn’t a lot of pressure creating this EP, because I had so much time to write it. I dove into writing from other people’s perspective a bit, because I am such an empath, and I feel a lot of what my closest friends feel. I took from what they felt and put my own advice into the songs.”

CS: Is there a certain person that you would want to co-write with someday?

JR: “Ed Sheeran, because I have looked up to him for as long as I can remember. Divide is my favorite album to this day.

CS: Given that this is Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 1, it is implied that Big Dumb Heart, Chapter 2 is in your future – What can you tease to us?

JR: “This EP may be closing the story of my past, but it’s just the start of me telling my story as a whole.”

CS: Do you have any plans for live performances for the rest of 2023? If so, what can fans expect to see at a Jenna Raine show?

JR: “I don’t have anything planned, but I am definitely in a hurry to get back on the stage. I love performing, and I love giving people a space to be themselves.”

CS: Do you have a certain city, venue or festival that you dream of performing at during your lifetime as a musician?

JR: “Madison Square Garden. I have seen so many shows there. It would be the coolest thing in the world to play that iconic venue!”

CS: Do you have any goals for yourself in 2023 career-wise?

JR: “I want to have an album out! It’s a goal I’ve been working so hard on, and I hope to achieve it by the end of the year.”

CS: Do you have any goals that you want to accomplish during your lifetime as a musician?

JR: “Winning a GRAMMY Award would be crazy cool, obviously. Growing up, I always watched all of the award shows and thought they were so cool. Being able to attend and win an award would be the coolest experience, because I’ve dreamed of it since I was a kid.”

CS: What has been the all-around most memorable moment in your musical journey so far?

JR: “‘see you later (ten years)‘ hitting number one on global charts was the most surreal moment of my life. I don’t even recall it happening because it felt so unreal.”

CS: Lastly, since we are Celeb Secrets, do you have any secrets about either yourself or your music that fans might not know?

JR: “Get ready for tons of music this year!”


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