Brandi Glanville goes an epic Facebook rant about Joyce Giraud & money

Publish date: 2024-07-10


As you’ve probably guessed by now, I have never watched an episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I gather what information I need to know from Reality Tea and Radar and other sites, basically I just skim a few stories here and there to be able to keep up to the point where I can write about these people with any kind of authority. Nowadays, I wonder if my lack of understanding is helping me really understand what’s wrong with certain people. I have distance from it, so maybe I’m seeing it clearly.

A few weeks ago, Bravo aired an episode of RHOBH in which Brandi made a crude, unnecessary and yes, racist remark about a fellow Real Housewife named Joyce Giraud. The comment was bad enough, but Brandi began to “apologize” for the incident, and she just made it so much worse. Apparently, she’s not a racist because her black friends would have laughed at the comment. She’s also not a racist because she bangs black guys. And she’s not a racist because Joyce is a bitch, of course. All of this, according to Brandi. Nowadays, Brandi is losing paying gigs because the fever has broken and everyone’s like, “Wow, Brandi has some issues, huh?” And so Brandi decided to address those issues in an epic Facebook post which, like all of her apologies, makes the situation worse.

This last episode of Real housewives of Beverly Hills was extremely difficult for me to watch. I am not going to even mention my baby dog Chica’s situation because it is just to sad and hard for me to relive. But otherwise yes I am very embaressed for my behavior and take full responsibility for over indulging. I was a bitch to Joyce for reasons you don’t get to see on the show.

To the viewer It looks like I am just acting bitchy towards her for no reason, but trust me I have my reasons. However for Joyce who has only been around me a handful of times, never been to my home, never spent time with my children, never hung out with me outside of shooting, to label me the way she did and continues to do, is incredibly irresponsible and hurtful.

I made one very insensitive and inappropriate comment that I have profusely apologized for. I in no way live with any sort of prejudice in my life of any sort. I got drunk around Joyce maybe 2 and a half times the entire season long, and twice in the public eye this past year. Once on my birthday and once after I turned in my second book, I was celebrating both times, my children were at their fathers and I’m not going to make apologies for those times.

Joyce’s ongoing comments, accusations and labels have endangered my family and cost me jobs, and opportunities. As a single mother, supporting my two little boys and running a household by myself I hope Joyce feels really really good about what she is doing to my family as she sits a top her mansion with her giant diamond ring and zero worries.

During the filming of this season there is a defining moment when you will get to see the exact kind of person Joyce truly is and trust me its not pretty. I can only hope that the show decides to air it because not everything we shoot makes it in. By the end of filming for the season Joyce and I were actually on good friendly terms and went on our separate but merry ways.

I saw Joyce once after filming was completely over. My mom, children and I walked into a sushi restaurant for dinner and ran in to Joyce and her husband and to my surprise our filming crew… let me just add that sometimes we have to shoot pick up scenes after the show has wrapped so that certain story lines make sense. I stopped at their table kissed Joyce and her husband hello, made a little small talk introduced them to my mom and my children and then went upstairs to have our family dinner. Im sure you can imagine my shock when watching this Mondays upcoming episode and see that scene they were shooting in the restaurant and Joyce is going on and on about my inappropriate comment and labeling me a racist and relaying their mutual disgust for me. Wow!!!!! She really is an actress and I don’t really see how this scene was needed to make sense to our show.

Sadly it seems this and the other labels Joyce throws my way are her only story lines for the season. I really wish she were more interesting so that trying to ruin my life wasn’t her only storyline. This coupled with the fact, that although we were on good terms at the end of filming, the second any press would listen, Joyce was giving interview after interview about me needing rehab or me being prejudice or anything me and all negative. This speaks volumes about her need for attention her vicious ambition and her true colors. I really hope this woman can stop obsessing over what she thinks my issues are and focus on the help she needs to get for herself.

Enough said -have a beautiful Holiday season

[From Brandi’s Facebook]

I edited this slightly, but only to create some paragraphs so you wouldn’t have to read one huge block of text, which is how Brandi wrote it – like a stream-of-consciousness rant. So, let’s dissect:

*Brandi is done “apologizing” because she’s already “apologized” enough and if you’re still mad about what she’s said, that’s on you, it’s your fault for not accepting her (equally offensive) apology.

*Joyce thinks that Brandi is a racist and she says so publicly, and this is really painful to Brandi. Doesn’t Joyce know that she has no right to be offended by what Brandi has said?

*Brandi is losing money because of this controversy and she’s just a poor single mother trying to raise two boys on a piddling $136,000 a year, plus paid appearances, plus child support?

*Brandi is super-offended that Joyce would just write her off without knowing her, probably because Brandi is the very essence of honesty, kindness and motherhood and Joyce is just… black, amirite?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
